KERRIE FITNESS -Wine, Cheese, Carolina Reaper – And a lesson learned.
When presented with some Carolina Reaper Peppers I thought to myself “What to do…what to do…hmmmmm” I know I’ll make a Dip for Wine night! What could possibly go wrong?
First let me tell you what I was dealing with!
These tiny little peppers rated at 2,200,000 scoville units (hotness unit of measure).
In comparison
Is rated at 5,000 scoville units.
Nothing could go wrong right.
Ingredients I used. There is no recipe for the use of Carolina Reaper Peppers, the only advice I give is use no more than one pepper per approximately 500-700ml of finished Dip.
Pick a jam, dip or sauce recipe that you like which normally uses a pepper and simply swap.
With red wine, simply delicious.
Now to what you have been waiting for. Use gloves whilst chopping up these peppers, disposable are fine, and a good idea.
I didn’t use gloves but thoroughly washed my hands after cooking. After a few wines I went to the toilet, washed my hands like a good boy but couldn’t shake the increasing burning sensation. It was only then that I realised that I had transferred 2.2 million scoville units to…. well….me.
I slept very uncomfortably with a cold towel that night, and bought disposable gloves the next day.
Lesson learned.