| Fillet Steak & Capsicum w/ Rice |
Meat contributes to carrying out vital metabolic functions but also gives you a lot of energy, which is crucial for getting the most of out of your workouts.
3 Benefits to get your fix of meat
1. PROTEIN. Since meat contains a large amount of protein, this is beneficial to the body as the need for protein is an important one. Protein is said to improve the overall health and well being of your body. There are other benefits such as the repair and building of body tissues as well as the production of antibodies that will protect the body from infections, thus strengthening the immune system as well. Most importantly, since meat contains all the essential amino acids, it definitely ranks as one of the best sources of protein.
2. IRON, ZINC, SELENIUM. Of the many nutrients that meat contains, it is rich in iron, zinc and selenium. While iron helps in forming hemoglobin that transports oxygen to different parts of your body, zinc helps in tissue formation and metabolism as well as selenium breaks down the fat and chemicals in the body.
3. VITAMINS are also a big part of your diet, and Vitamin A, B and D are commonly found in meat as well. Not only do these vitamins promote good vision, stronger teeth and bones but it also support the central nervous system thus promoting mental health as well. Another big benefit of eating meat is the maintenance of your skin’s health.
– Before you say “I don’t like meat”. Buy fillet steak. You don’t have to fight with the gristle – there isn’t any.
– If you’re thinking fillet steak is too expensive. It may be, compared to other meats you can buy. But as the saying goes, you pay for what you get. It’s worth every cent. Anyway, it’s cheaper than a trip to the takeaway food shop.
– We all like things to be quick and easy. Life’s too short to be spending hours in the kitchen for each and every meal. Here’s how quick my lunch/dinner-spiration is…
| What to Do |
Put oyster sauce on each side of the meat and grill for 6 mins each side
Non-stick pan. Egg straight in. Once nearly done add your spinach
Quick brown rice tub, 40 secs in microwave. Put on plate and pour a little soy sauce on
Marinated capsicum from Woolworths
Too easy. Bon appetit 🙂