KERRIE FITNESS asks – Are You getting the most from your Health Fund?
Never been a better time to join KERRIE FITNESS.
Three points:
- Most funds require the Studio you go to be registered with Fitness Australia, The Health & Fitness Industry Association.
- Most funds do not recognise personal training or 24 hour fitness memberships.
- You will need to check in with your fund about eligibility.
Private Health Fund Rebates
Find out which Private Health Funds offer rebates for fitness services
Staying informed about private health fund rebates for fitness services will allow you to provide accurate information to your existing and prospective members about opportunities to claim private health fund rebates for fitness services.
What do I need to do to help my clients/members claim?
Be guided by your clients. Enquire as to whether they have Private Health Insurance and if so, which fund? The following information about specific funds should be taken as a guide only and is not an exhaustive list of funds recognising fitness services.
If your client holds private health insurance, suggest they contact their fund to determine what is required to enable them to gain a rebate and what level of rebate they are eligible to receive.
It’s important to remember that all funds are different! Some funds require you to be registered with Fitness Australia, while others also require you to register with them directly. In some cases a GP referral may be required to indicate that the fitness program is necessary due to an existing health or medical condition. Importantly a number of funds don’t recognise personal training services, or 24 hour fitness centre memberships.
Finally it’s also important to remember that the amount of a potential refund is heavily dependent on the level of cover held by the member and that holding private health insurance does not automatically ensure eligibility for a refund for fitness service.
Fitness Australia is working hard towards aligning the national Business and Professional Registration schemes with all Private Health Funds. Fitness Australia has produced a position statement for Private Health Insurers. These recommendations seek to inform Private Health Insurers about current fitness industry standards and provide an insight into fitness industry operations that will assist in the development or recognition of existing policies.
Tier 1 funds:
Health Funds offering rebates exclusively to Fitness Australia Registered Businesses
- AHM ($75.00 maximum rebate per year)
- Westfund
- Health Partners
- HIF ($125.00 maximum rebate per year)
Your client will receive a rebate upon presentation of proof of payment documentation from the business containing their Fitness Australia registered business number.
Tier 2 funds:
The following businesses require business registration with Fitness Australia and for the business to complete a registration form with the fund:
- NIB (download their form)
- Note: You must have a referral form from a prescribing physician to be eligible to claim a rebate for fitness services.
Tier 3 funds:
The following funds require a medical referral and completion of appropriate documentation.